Monday, August 21, 2017

In this thank you video I brought my easel & sketch pad and thanked not only the people who contributed but who shared my indiegogo campaign which brought me support too. To do the same here is the link to my crowdfunder

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

I started a new weekly Hip Hop Cypher called 'Knock-Ternal Rhyme Sessions'.

Every Thursday night from 8pm-12am I host a Weekly Hip Hop cypher called 'Knock-Ternal Rhyme Sessions'. Here is the link to the facebook page, give us a like!

Here, right below is the youtube channel with more videos of all the happenings from #KTRS

Now we are currently taking a short break because one of our main speakers busted so now we need to get a new one. It shouldn't be long, but until we do the cypher is post poned!

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Andre 3000, Rob Zombie, and I on indiegogo

For those of you not in the know, both Rob Zombie and Andre 3000 are both really good visual artists aside from making chart topping music that has captured the imaginations of millions of fans. For more of you not in the know. I myself have always been a visual artist since I was a kid!

You was holding out on us huh? So drawing was your Love Below?? Say whaaaaat!?!

Really Super King!?! I didn't know you knew how to draw! Tell me more!
 Sure Rob! For the very first time I am in the position to self publish my first illustration book! It's based off my album 'Gone Is The Illusion' the same album I did the front and back cover for, and which is linked to the right side of this page through Bandcamp. Completing this project has been very important and liberating for me to accomplish.

Maaaan lissen! It feels good to be free boi!!

The artwork in the book is based off each and every song from my album. With descriptions attached to each one, and bonus material from my upcoming graphic novel titled '4'.

Now that's some creative shit!

Ain't it!? So here's what I did for my next trick! I created an indiegogo  to publish the book. I'm offering all types of perks including original artwork from in and outside of the book. Below is the video from my indiegogo check it out!

In this next video from my campaign I do a thank you roll call for all the contributors to it, up to that point of the campaign! I've had an influx of new contributors since. Once you contribute you can be in my next thank you video!

This is the name and hashtag of the campaign #PRINTTHEILLUSION
click the link below or the hashtag to go to the campaign and contribute!