Saturday, September 16, 2017

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Upcoming Appearance on Podcast this Sat!

I will have the privilege to be on the podcast of Andrew Sanford's called "Half white son of a black man". Andrew is a graphic novelists and comedian as well. I'll be on there talking about my indiegogo campaign. as well as current events with a topical spin to them. Make sure to click the link below to get a taste of what Andrew does. The Episode will air on Saturday!

Sunday, September 10, 2017

I raised $1,000+ for my campaign!!!

This is a proud moment, and milestone for my indiegogo campaign to print my illustration book. I still have more to go but I'm going stick my chest out on this because I've come pretty far!   *There are only 8 days left in my campaign, contribute! Donate! Share! All make a huge impact! Here is the link