Success is the first word that comes to mind thinking about the show last week. *Sidenote, after most shows I have I'm usually out of it, exhausted once the adrenaline has worn off. Then there is the rare case of when I'm so excited from a show that I just can't sit my ass down and I don't know what to do with myself. The latter is what happened to me after this show. Also my conditioning has gotten better over the years so I'm not out for the count when a show is done. I say all that to say this. After a show whether up or down I want to just be away from any computers or people and be in my own head space. But we here now.
Back to the show! Man my energy wasn't just at a high level. The house was packed which made it that much more charged. I'm still feeling a high from the show. It left me in a place mentally full of euphoria and seeking the next, but wanting to relive the moment. I got my artwork blown up on engineer prints from staples as you will see in the photos below. My team, yes I have a team with me now! They helped set up all my artwork. Which added to the energy already built around the event. There is video footage being edited, so film of my set is on the way. I played with my live band and live beat maker during my set.
I covered Outkast's "ROSES", with a story about a childhood crush of mines who didn't quite reciprocate. I opened my set with a cover of Mos Def & Massive Attacks "I against I" from the Blade 2 soundtrack. P.Cruz did his own mix of "I Against I" which was ill!
I did an acapella of my song "Freak Of Nature", which the crowd really dug. I also did a verse from the title "Gone is the illusion".
The band and I did a rendition of my song "I workout" with some crowd participation and we was vibing. Had the whole crowd moving from side to side and chanting "I Workout!". It was great!
I really enjoyed the mix that P.Cruz did of "Knights in Shining Darkness" It sounded real eerie! he even did his own remix of it which is totally different from the live mix he did during the show. Check it out! It's available for streaming and free download!
I think one of the big highlights for me was the live version of my song "Henny On Ice". Which I started with an acapella of the songs first verse which the crowd really enjoyed. The line in the beginning always get's em! You'd think my name was Charles....The way I lay the Dickens. Haha, people love that line so we thought it best that it be delivered with the rest of the verse with no beat playing.
I previewed the artwork, especially the art that went with the songs during the set. I only had a 45 minute play time so I had to keep it tight.
The bookers of the show were happy with the results, meaning the turn out. They've invited me back to do more shows! i couldn't be happier man! Like I said success.
Check the pictures below for some visuals of the evening. Great times!! Even More to come!!
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